Wednesday, May 21, 2008

me stuff: Green Tea

Republic of Tea Class. Last night, I attended a Republic of Tea class. I love tea and didn't formally or informally learn about the basics before. This product based class was informative and fun. Plus you got to drink a lot of different teas! I took notes on the brochure that was given out. I practiced my handwriting for my layouts.


Benita said...

You have nice handwriting! I really need to practice mine more as I hate it right now!

Sarah Coggins said...

What a neat class! I've never heard of that. Sounds like fun though. And you have very pretty handwriting. :)

Sandra Collins said...

sounds like a fun evening

Stella said...

Cool class!

Creative Junkie said...

I don't like tea myself, but my MIL loves it. We usually get her some kind of tea assortment for her birthday. And your handwriting looks perfect to me!

Jennie said...

I would love to attend a class like that! I'd enjoy learnig the proper way to brew and serve tea.

tbr5 said...

I am the Minister of Southeast Commerce for The Republic of Tea. I am so glad that you enjoyed my tea class that I taught on Tuesday evening. I appreciate your interest in the class and taking notes of what I taught. I hope you enjoyed drinking the teas we tasted and the history of tea. Sip by sip!

Janet said...

A tea class sounds very interesting. Nothing better than a cup of tea on a rainy afternoon...